Grade Weights:
- Final: 30
- Midterm 1: 20
- Midterm 2: 20
- Homework: 15
- Worksheets (attendance): 5
As an example, since the weights add up to 90, the final is 30/90 = 1/3 of your grade. To convert
weights to percentages, muliply by 100/90.
Note: You may miss up to 5% of the overall WebAssign points with no harm to your grade.
For instance, a 96% and a 99% will both receive the same overall WebAssign score.
GPA Calculation Methodology
Department policy requires the median course GPA to be 2.9 +/- 0.2.
The University gives guidelines for GPA
distributions. With these in mind, I calculate GPA's as follows.
- Convert raw points to overall percentages.
- Compute the median percentage. This grade will get assigned a 2.9 +/- 0.2 GPA, depending on how strong the class seems to be.
- Determine 4.0 GPA cutoff so the top few students per section get a 4.0. I try to avoid giving 3.9's.
- Determine 2.0 GPA cutoff by roughly following the University's guidelines.
- Determine 0.0 GPA cutoff (typically 50%).
- Do a piecewise linear interpolation between these values to convert all other percentages to GPA's.
(Convert scores between 0.0 and 0.6 to 0.0.)
- Review the results and tweak cutoffs as necessary.
For instance, we could have a 70% median correspond to a 3.0 GPA, an 80% cutoff for 4.0's, a 60% cutoff for 2.0's, and a 50% cutoff for 0.0's.
A 75% overall would then receive a 3.5 GPA.