If you do not have WebAssign access from an earlier course:
- You may buy an eBook with an access code through this website
for $70.00. Note: you must go through this link rather than using a link provided by WebAssign.
- The bookstore sells hard copies of the course text, Multivariable Calculus by James Stewart, with an access code.
Note: this is a custom text for UW.
- You may also use Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 7th Edition, by Stewart, for this course.
- During the first two weeks, you can log into WebAssign as a guest. You are welcome to do this if you are still
evaluating the class, but if you intend to take the course you should purchase the access code as soon as possible.
Administrative Details:
- All homework will be done through WebAssign.
- You may miss up to 5% of the overall WebAssign points with no harm to your grade. For instance, a 96% and a 99% will
both receive the same overall WebAssign score.
- Individual extensions and grade adjustments will never* be given.
*Very rarely, WebAssign will grade a problem incorrectly, where a student's input matches the expected answer
exactly. A grade adjustment will be given in these cases. This seems to happen on the order of once per year.
- Try using a different browser.
- Try using a different computer.
- Ask your TA.
- Call WebAssign customer service.
- Talk to your instructor.