Exam Information
Midterm 1: 26 Apr 2019 (Friday, 50 minutes, in lecture) — Chapters 3-15.
Midterm 2: 24 May 2019 (Friday, 50 minutes, in lecture) — Chapters 15-21 and the Continuous Random Variables handout.
Final Exam: 13 Jun 2019 (Thursday, 11:30am-2:30pm in lecture hall, LEDDN AUD) — The final exam is cumulative and includes every topic from the course, with an emphasis on material not covered on the other exams.
- You may use a calculator during the exam (but no other electronic devices).
- You may not use any notes or books during the exam, but you will be provided with a list of formulas.
- Bring your student ID to the exams.
Copies of Math 11 exams from a two previous terms can be found in TritonEd in the "Past Exams Folder" in the "Content" area. Be aware that exams naturally vary each time a course is taught.