Online Homework

Homework will be done online using MyLab Statistics. If you enrolled after the first day of classes, it might take a day or so before you make it into the system. Access MyLab Statistics through Canvas using the MyLab and Mastering tab.

Access Codes:  To get an access code for MyLab Statistics, you can either (1) purchase the textbook from the UCSD Bookstore, which comes bundled with a MyLab Statistics access code (the most expensive option), or (2) purchase electronic access for one quarter only from the MyLab Statistics website. When you first log in to MyLab Statistics through Canvas, you will be prompted to enter an access code or purchase electronic access.

Syllabus Quiz:  The Syllabus Quiz is posted in MyLab Statistics as part of Homework 0. It consists of multiple choice or True/False questions. You have one attempt per question. The quiz is "open syllabus," so you may have the syllabus open when you take the quiz.

Integrity Expectations:  You are expected to follow the Math 11 Academic Integrity Policy when completing your homework. An Integrity Quiz is posted on Canvas under Quizzes as part of Homework 0.