- Textbook: Vector Calculus, sixth edition, by Jerrold E. Marsden and Anthony J. Tromba. Published by W. H. Freeman and Company, 2012.
See below for bundling options.
Math 20C covers most of Chapters 1-5. Math 20E covers most of the rest of the same book.
- WebAssign: You must also purchase access to the online homework system WebAssign for this textbook. Several options:
The "Life Of Edition" (LOE) / "Multi-Term" version allows continued access if you take Math 20E (or repeat Math 20C) in a later quarter if the class uses the same edition of the same book.
- The UCSD bookstore offers a bundle with the textbook (physical or eBook) plus WebAssign homework access. (See pricing.)
- If you get the book without WebAssign access (such as a used book), you will need to buy WebAssign homework access for this textbook separately through your WebAssign account for this class. Expand the "Student Pricing" section on this page.
- You can instead purchase the eBook + homework access within WebAssign.
- Optional: The student solutions manual for this textbook is available at the UCSD Bookstore.
Homework: We will have two different kinds of homework assignments: online homework which will be graded and written homework which will not be collected or graded.
- Online homework will be done using WebAssign. See the Homework page for details.
- Assignments will generally be due weekly on Mondays at 11:59 p.m., though the last few assignments will be due progressively later. See the Calendar page for details.
- Written homework will also be assigned some weeks; it has been posted on the Homework page. It includes problems not available in WebAssign. The written homework will not be collected or graded; however, you are still responsible for doing it, and the topics on it are eligible for the exams.
- Exam philosophy
- Midterm 1: Wednesday October 23, in lecture
- Midterm 2: Wednesday November 20, in lecture
- Final: Tuesday December 10, 3:00-5:59p.m., (comprehensive; emphasis on material not on the midterms)
- No make up exams will be given. It is your responsibility to ensure that you do not have scheduling conflicts involving the exams.
- If you perform better on the final exam than on one of the midterms, your final exam score will take the place of the lower midterm score.
- You must bring your student ID card and pencils/erasers (or pens).
- You may bring one 8.5”×11” page (front and back) of handwritten notes. Nothing else is allowed (e.g. no calculators, books, etc.).
Attendance: You are paying quite a lot for my time and the TA's time, so take advantage of it! That includes attending lecture, discussion section, and office hours. Your tuition also supports the tutoring options listed below. Take advantage of the tools available to you to succeed!
Podcasts: I will be doing audio/visual podcasts of lecture this quarter. The system is entirely automated, so there may be quirks from time to time.
Reading: Reading the sections of the textbook corresponding to the lectures and assigned homework exercises is considered to be part of each homework assignment.
Piazza: We will use Piazza for class announcements and discussions. The top 15 contributors on Piazza (as measured by "contributions" on the Stats tab) will get 1% added to their raw final weighted score at the end of the quarter. Post on Piazza whenever you're confused about homework, the lecture, the textbook, course logistics, or anything relevant to the course. Do not let yourself be silenced by the fear of looking stupid. Your classmates, the TA's, and I will answer. You have the option of posting anonymously to classmates, though I encourage you to post as yourself to foster a sense of community with your classmates. You are strongly encouraged to post messages on Piazza instead of emailing me or the TA's directly. Private posts can be made if needed.
GradeScope: We will use GradeScope to grade exams, handle exam returns, and handle regrade requests. Regrade requests are for when the rubric has been marked incorrectly. They are not for arguing with the rubric. More details will be announced during the quarter.
Grading: Your composite score will be the higher of the following two weighted averages of your percentages on homework and exams:The course will be curved. See exam philosophy for further information.
- Homework (20%), midterms (20% and 20%), and the final (40%).
- Homework (20%), best midterm score (20%), and the final (60%).
You must pass the final examination in order to pass the course.