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MATH 20C WI19 A (Swanson)


Midterm 1: Monday February 4, in lecture

Material from HW1-3, specifically sections 1.1-1.3, 2.1-2.2, and part of 2.3 (partial derivatives).

To study, do practice exams under time pressure (50 minutes). Create a beautiful note sheet that you know well enough to never look at. Review your lecture notes, the homework problems (online and written), and the textbook. Do additional problems from the textbook similar to the assigned ones.

You must bring your student ID and writing implements (pencils/erasers/pens). You may bring an 8.5"x11" note sheet (both sides). You are not allowed to use anything else (e.g. no calculators or textbook).

Review session:
See Piazza.

Midterm 2: Monday February 25, in lecture

Material from HW4-6, specifically sections 2.3-2.6, 3.1, 3.3.

To study, do practice exams under time pressure (50 minutes). Create a beautiful note sheet that you know well enough to never look at. Review your lecture notes, the homework problems (online and written), and the textbook. Do additional problems from the textbook similar to the assigned ones.

You must bring your student ID and writing implements (pencils/erasers/pens). You may bring an 8.5"x11" note sheet (both sides). You are not allowed to use anything else (e.g. no calculators or textbook).

Arrive at least 5 minutes early. You will be given an exam at the door with a randomly chosen seat assignment.

Review session:
See Piazza.

Final Exam: Monday March 18, 8:00-10:59a.m. in Lecture Room (CENTER 115)

Comprehensive. Material not covered on the midterms somewhat emphasized, including HW7-9, specifically sections 3.4, 4.1-4.2, 5.1-5.5, 6.2, 1.4.

To study, do practice exams under time pressure (3 hours). Create a beautiful note sheet that you know well enough to never look at. Review your lecture notes, the homework problems (online and written), and the textbook. Do additional problems from the textbook similar to the assigned ones.

You must bring your student ID and writing implements (pencils/erasers/pens). You may bring an 8.5"x11" note sheet (both sides). You are not allowed to use anything else (e.g. no calculators or textbook).


Review session:
See Piazza.

Practice Exams

    Practice midterm 1     Practice midterm 2     Practice final

These practice exams are adapted from past Math 20C exams. They are provided “as is”. They may differ in content, emphasis, form, rules, number of problems and problem parts, points/weighting, etc. from the exams given this term.

The sections covered on these practice exams are close but may not be exactly the same as in this class.

Additional Math 20C practice exams are posted on Prof. Golsefidy's Math 20C class website. Some are from past Math 20C classes that used a different textbook. The other textbook had some differences in notation and covered the topics in a different order, so topics may have been covered on different exams than this quarter. You can also find other practice exams on other Math 20C course sites.