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Brief biography:
I'm an NTT RTPC Assistant Professor of Mathematics at the University of Southern California (USC) in Los Angeles working with Greta Panova. From Fall 2018 to Spring 2021, I was a Stefan E. Warshawski Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) under the mentorship of Brendon Rhoades. I graduated from the University of Washington in June 2018 with a PhD in Mathematics. My doctoral advisor was Sara Billey. My PhD thesis was on "Major Index Statistics: Cyclic Sieving, Branching Rules, and Asymptotics".
I am currently co-organizing:
Research overview: I study algebraic combinatorics. My primary research interest involves understanding web bases for representations of quantum groups. Related topics include plabic graphs, invariant theory, crystals, the geometry of affine buildings, and certain statistical mechanics models. I also work on super coinvariant algebras, $q$-analogues, and aspects of tableau combinatorics. I have further work in analytic combinatorics related to limit laws for combinatorial statistics.
Research interests: Algebraic combinatorics, webs for quantum groups, plabic graphs, invariant theory, symmetric functions, Coxeter groups, complex reflection groups, higher coinvariant algebras, tableau combinatorics, Stirling numbers, dynamical algebraic combinatorics, $q$-analogues, limit laws, cumulants, free Lie algebras