Since B term classes have fewer, longer lectures, our exam schedule will be a little different from usual. There will be three quizzes, no midterms, and a final.
The final will be in-class on the last day of lecture, Friday August 18th. It will be the full 2 hours and 10 minutes and will be cumulative. It will somewhat emphasize material not on the quizzes, namely sections 6.1, 6.3, 6.4, 8.1, 8.2, 8.5.
You will be allowed to use a scientific calculator and one 8.5x11 sheet of handwritten notes for the final, both sides. Graphing or programmable calculators and other electronic devices will not be allowed (e.g. no cell phones, no laptops, etc). You may not share a calculator nor a note sheet with another student.
Each quiz will take place during the last 30 minutes of lecture.
You will be allowed to use a scientific calculator on the quizzes and one index card with handwritten notes, both sides.